Heian Nidan Yoi. (1) Look left. Load up fists on right hip. Step 90 degrees to left into left back stance with left korean outside block and right rising block (simultaneously). (W) (2) Perform right inward hammerfist (face-level) in same direction. Left fist goes to right bicep. (W) (3) Left front punch (face-level). (W) (4) Load up fists on left hip. Without taking any steps, shift feet to a right back stance 180 degrees behind with right korean outside block and left rising block (simultaneously). (E) (5) Perform left inward hammerfist (face-level) in same direction. Right fist goes to left bicep. (E) (6) Right front punch (face-level). (E) (7) Bring left foot forward halfway to right foot then right back to meet left. Load up fists on left hip. Perform right side kick to the back (in comparison of where you started the kata). (S) (8) Keeping control of the right leg after kick. Turn and look 180 degrees over left shoulder (to the front) and land in left back stance with left knife block. (N) (9) Step forward in same direction into right back stance with right knife block. (N) (10) Step forward again into left back stance with left knife block. (N) (11) Press block with left hand. (N) (12) Step forward once more into right forward stance with right spearhand (left hand after press ends open and under right bicep). Kiai!!! (N) (13) Spin 90 degrees to right with left foot (pivoting on right) into left back stance with left knife block. (E) (14) Step out 45 degrees (front left) of left foot into right back stance with right knife block. (SE) (15) Turn 135 degrees to right, pivoting on left foot into right back stance with right knife block. (W) (16) Step out 45 degrees (front right) of right foot into left back stance with left knife block. (SW) (17) Close left hand. Turn 45 degrees to the left, pivoting on right foot into left forward stance with reverse inside forearm block. (S) (18) Right front kick. (S) (19) Land right forward stance. Reverse punch (mid-level). (S) (20) Reverse inside forearm block. (S) (21) Left front kick. (S) (22) Land left forward stance. Reverse punch (mid-level). (S) (23) Step forward into right back stance with augmented block. (S) (24) Spin 90 degrees to your right with left foot (pivoting on right) into left forward stance with left down block. (W) (25) Open left hand and raise 45 degrees (front right) of left foot. Step forward in same direction into right forward stance with right rising block. (NW) (26) Turn 135 degrees to the right (pivoting on left) into right forward stance with right down block. (E) (27) Open right hand and raise 45 degrees (front left) of right foot. Step forward in same direction into left forward stance with left rising block. Kiai!!! (NE) Yame.